A little bit about me

Me professionally

When asked what I do for work, I find it tricky to answer. I have studied in different departments and countries and worked in many different sectors. I am proudly a generalist who doesn’t fit into any box. Instead, I like to bring ideas from one place and try them in different contexts when I think they could be useful and I am someone who sees interconnection between seemingly disperate ideas and things. I love to solve problems.

I do not shy away from challenging the status quo when I believe that’s necessary and I am unusually open to change and uncertainty. I understand that risk is an inherent part of innovation - and that we will need to think creatively to tackle global challenges such as climate change, biodiversity loss, poverty and inequality. Working together will also be key.

I am professionally fascinated in the ways that people and organisations collaborate. The complexity of how to work together effectively in practice is often underappreciated - it’s challenging! Every collaboration is unique and in constant flux. Additionally, the time and resources needed to effectively manage collaboration are commonly underestimated or lacking. Action research - where you study and reflect on actions being taken in the real world to help inform future action - is a wonderful approach to support collaboration.

Another interest I am looking to explore is ways that professional women can creatively support one another to achieve balance, fulfillment, and the respect they deserve in their careers. I know far too many incredibly talented women who have faced unfair limitations or inflexibility from their employers or who have burnt out because their wonderful ideas are undervalued, or worse, someone else has taken credit for them! I would like to work with a group of women to explore how we can overcome these limitations together.

You can find a detailed description of my professional background on my LinkedIn profile, but in a brief nutshell:

  • Private sector experience - I worked as a Senior Consultant for Biodiversify, managing large projects with major corporate clients. My work for Fauna & Flora (formerly FFI) also focussed on communicating projects with corporate business partners from various sectors and markets.

  • Non-governmental/charity experience - I worked as a consultant for Unearthodox (formerly the Luc Hoffmann Institute) to consider the global picture of conservation capacity development initiatives. At Fauna & Flora (formerly FFI), I worked in communications.

  • Policy experience - As a freelance consultant and researcher, I am currently part of a team working to develop an evaluation framework for DEFRA. While based at UNEP-WCMC I was a contributing author on the Policy Response Options chapter of the UK National Ecosystem Assessment, which involved all devolved administrations of the UK.

  • Academic experience - As an employee of the Department of Geography at the University of Cambridge I conducted research on large scale conservation in the UK. You can find my peer-reviewed publications here.

  • Education - I have an Hon BSc in Biology from the University of Toronto; a double MSc in Tropical Forestry and Management from the Technical University of Dresden, and Agroforestry from Bangor University in Wales; and a PhD from the Open University Business School for a project of my own design entitled: Enabling collaboration in conservation: An exploration of change, diversity and funding.

Me personally

I was born and raised in Ontario, Canada where I was lucky to spend lots of time in nature canoe-camping with my dad and sister from a young age. This inspired my deep love of nature and understanding that I am part of it.

I am a mum of two amazingly creative kids who keep me on my toes and teach me new things every day. My husband Chris is a Professor at the University of Cambridge and an impressive leader and conservationist. Spending time with my family is my biggest priority and working freelance gives me the balance I have been longing for.

Sports have always been central to my happiness. During my first degree I played for the Varsity Blues Womens Volleyball team at the University of Toronto and learned more from that amazing experience than from my studies. I’m now playing for a club in Cambridge, and although it hurts more than it used to, it’s wonderful to be on a team again. Over the years I have also played basketball, ultimate frisbee, track & field, beach volleyball, badminton, tennis, and I have rowed competitively and scuba dived. Playing sports has enabled me to meet lovely people everywhere I’ve lived.

I’ve been extremely fortunate to have had many opportunities to travel for fun, work and volunteering. My first international travel was during my undergraduate degree when I took time out to volunteer in Tanzania and Madagascar. I dreamed as a kid of getting lost in Africa and definitely achieved that many times! I conducted my Masters thesis with coffee farmers in Kenya and worked with cooperatives and a carbon bureau in Uganda, where I met my husband. I studied in Germany and Wales with a field course to Costa Rica in between, and have traveled to visit dear friends in many amazing places. Our family will be taking a rare opportunity this year, while my husband is on sabbatical, to learn while we travel together as sustainably as possible across Asia and North America. It’s going to be an adventure!

Although I started my career in the natural sciences I have gravitated towards the more qualitative social sciences. I also love the arts and any opportunity to be creative. Pottery has become a growing interest for me - it’s a wonderful outlet and something I find incredibly calming. I also love to take photos and all the pictures you see on this website were taken by me (except the ones I’m in).

But enough about me…

How might our interests align? How could we work together to make a positive impact?