Navigating complexity to find creative ways forward

Over a year ago I left my job to become a freelance consultant and researcher and haven’t looked back. I love to help people better understand the environmental and organisational challenges they are facing. I am skilled at including and fairly representing multiple perspectives on an issue, including perspectives that may be more difficult to access. I work with teams to build a balanced and holistic picture of what’s going on, and to find creative and adaptive solutions.

I have over 15 years of interdisciplinary experience working for conservation organisations, academic institutions and the private sector; and a PhD in management that explored practical ways to enable collaboration in the field of conservation. Click below to read more about how we could work together.

Consulting & research

Collective exploration

The world is a complex and dynamic place full of important issues and causes. The best way I know to grapple with big ideas is to discuss them with others. I am starting up a blog here to explore issues I feel are most meaty and important right now, and to share snapshots of conversations about them.

To begin with I will be looking to explore how risk and uncertainty are perceived and managed in conservation and whether our relationship with these concepts needs to change. I am also looking to speak with women in conservation about the barriers they have faced working in the sector, and to brainstorm how we might collectively overcome them.

Please get in touch if you would like to join the conversation. I’d be delighted to speak with you.

I know there is strength in the differences between us.

I know there is comfort where we overlap.”

—Ani DiFranco